⁉️Product FAQ

Here, you will find detailed answers to common questions about Matau’s capabilities, benefits, and operational details. If you need additional questions, you can contact us help@matau.ai

What is Matau?

Matau is an AI-powered Business Intelligence (BI) tool designed specifically for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It allows users to access and analyze their data through simple conversations in natural language, eliminating the need for a dedicated data team or technical expertise. Matau seamlessly integrates with existing data sources to provide instant, actionable insights, helping businesses make data-driven decisions quickly and confidently.

How does Matau work?

Matau works by integrating with your existing data sources, such as e-commerce platforms, marketing tools, and databases. Here’s how it functions:

1. Integration: Matau connects to your data sources with ease, requiring only the installation of an app or plugin.

2. Data Consolidation: It automatically pulls in and consolidates data into a centralized, easy-to-understand format.

3. Conversational Interface: Users can ask business questions using natural language, similar to conversing with a colleague.

4. Actionable Insights: Matau uses advanced AI and machine learning to analyze data and provide real-time, actionable answers.

5. Continuous Learning: The more you use Matau, the better it understands your business, offering increasingly relevant insights and recommendations.

Who can benefit from using Matau?

Matau is designed for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) across various industries. It is particularly beneficial for:

Executives needing quick access to data for decision-making

Sales and marketing teams looking to optimize campaigns and track performance

Logistics and operations teams aiming to streamline processes and improve efficiency

Direct-to-consumer (D2C) and retail brands seeking to enhance customer experiences and manage inventory effectively

What are the key features of Matau?

Natural Language Queries: Ask questions in plain English and receive instant insights.

Seamless Integration: Connects effortlessly with various data sources.

Actionable Insights: Provides real-time answers and explains the factors influencing results.

Intuitive Interface: User-friendly design that requires no technical expertise.

Automated Analysis: Uses AI and machine learning for proactive insights and recommendations.

Scalability: Suitable for businesses of different sizes, particularly SMEs.

How does Matau ensure data security?

Matau prioritizes data security and employs several measures to protect your information:

Encryption: Data is encrypted both in transit and at rest to prevent unauthorized access.

Access Controls: Robust access controls ensure that only authorized users can access sensitive data.

Compliance: Matau adheres to industry standards and regulations, including GDPR, to safeguard user data.

Regular Audits: Security practices are regularly reviewed and updated to address emerging threats.

How does Matau integrate with existing data sources?

Matau integrates seamlessly with a wide range of data sources commonly used by SMEs. This includes e-commerce platforms, marketing tools, CRM systems, databases, and more. The integration process is straightforward, often requiring just the installation of an app or plugin, allowing you to quickly start leveraging your data without extensive setup or technical expertise.

How long does it take to onboard Matau and get it ready to use?

Onboarding Matau is designed to be quick and straightforward. The process generally takes a few hours to a couple of days, depending on the complexity and number of data sources being integrated. Our support team is available to assist throughout the onboarding process to ensure a smooth setup and integration.

What is the difference between Matau and Google Analytics?

While both Matau and Google Analytics provide data insights, they serve different purposes:


Focuses on providing comprehensive business intelligence through natural language queries, seamless data integration, and real-time actionable insights. It is designed for SMEs and requires no technical expertise.

Google Analytics:

Primarily used for web analytics, focusing on tracking and reporting website traffic and user behavior. It requires more technical know-how to set up and interpret data effectively.

Matau offers a broader scope of business intelligence, whereas Google Analytics is more specialized in web traffic analysis.

What is the difference between Matau and Shopify or WooCommerce built-in analytics?

Matau and the built-in analytics of platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce offer different levels of insights:


Provides advanced business intelligence capabilities, including natural language queries, seamless integration with various data sources, and real-time actionable insights. It leverages AI to offer predictive analytics and proactive recommendations.

Shopify/WooCommerce Analytics:

Primarily focuses on e-commerce performance metrics such as sales, product performance, and customer behavior within the respective platform. These analytics are more basic and limited to the platform’s scope.

Matau offers a more comprehensive and versatile solution that goes beyond e-commerce analytics to include broader business intelligence. For more information, check this article.

What is the difference between Matau and ChatGPT?

While both Matau and ChatGPT use AI, they are designed for different purposes:


An AI-powered business intelligence tool specifically for SMEs, providing data insights through natural language queries, seamless data integration, and real-time analysis. It focuses on business intelligence and data-driven decision-making.


A general-purpose AI language model developed by OpenAI, designed to generate human-like text based on input. It can be used for various applications, including customer support, content creation, and conversational interfaces, but it is not specifically designed for business intelligence.

Matau is tailored for business intelligence, whereas ChatGPT is a versatile language model for a wide range of text-based tasks.

How does Matau handle GDPR compliance?

Matau is fully compliant with GDPR regulations. We ensure that user data is handled with the utmost care and in accordance with all legal requirements. Specific details about our GDPR compliance can be provided upon request by contacting our support team via email.

Can I download my data from Matau?

Yes, you can request to download your data from Matau. To do so, please send an email to our support team at help@matau.ai with your request. Our team will process your request and provide you with the necessary data in a suitable format. For specific instructions or additional assistance, feel free to contact us.

Last updated