📝Ask questions

Understanding the types of questions you can ask Matau and how to phrase them will help you get the most relevant and useful information.

each otheraspectsMatau is your AI-powered business intelligence assistant, designed to help you with questions related to your sales, inventory, and customers. By leveraging advanced AI models, Matau allows you to ask questions in natural language and provides detailed answers, insights, and reports based on the data available from your connected data sources.

Matau is designed to assist you with data-driven decisions by providing insights based on the data you have connected. Always ensure your data sources are up-to-date and correctly integrated.

How Matau Answers Your Questions

Matau analyzes the data from your connected sources and uses advanced AI and machine learning algorithms to provide accurate and actionable answers. The platform can generate detailed reports and insights, presenting them in an easy-to-understand format.

Types of Questions You Can Ask

Sales Performance

Sales performance refers to the analysis of your sales data to understand how well your products are selling. This can help you identify trends, measure growth, and make informed decisions to boost your sales. By analyzing sales performance, you can identify your best-selling products, understand seasonal trends, and pinpoint areas for improvement. This information can help you optimize your sales strategies and increase revenue.

Type of Questions:

  1. Basic Sales Data

  2. Sales Trends

  3. Comparative Sales Analysis

Sample Questions:

  • What were our top-selling products last month?

  • How much revenue did we generate last quarter?

  • What is the sales trend for the past six months?

  • Compare our sales this month to the same month last year.

  • What is the sales-through rate for our products?

Inventory Performance

Inventory performance analysis helps you understand how effectively you are managing your stock. This includes tracking stock levels, turnover rates, and identifying which products are overstocked or understocked. By monitoring inventory performance, you can reduce carrying costs, avoid stockouts, and ensure you have the right products available at the right time. This leads to more efficient operations and better customer satisfaction.

Type of Questions:

  1. Stock Levels

  2. Inventory Turnover

  3. Overstock and Understock Analysis

  4. SKU rationalisation

Sample Questions:

  • What are our current stock levels?

  • Which products are low in stock?

  • How many units of [Product Name] were sold last week?

  • What is our inventory turnover rate?

  • What is the ABC analysis of our inventory?

Customer Performance

Customer performance analysis involves understanding customer behavior and engagement. This includes identifying top customers, tracking customer acquisition, and measuring customer retention rates. By analyzing customer performance, you can tailor your marketing efforts, improve customer retention, and identify opportunities for upselling and cross-selling. This leads to increased customer loyalty and higher lifetime value.

Type of Questions:

  1. Customer Insights

  2. Customer Acquisition

  3. Customer Retention

Sample Questions:

  • Who are our top customers by revenue?

  • What is the average order value for this month?

  • How many new customers did we acquire last month?

  • What is our customer retention rate?

Interrelationships Between Sales, Inventory, and Customer Performance

This involves analyzing how different aspects of your business affect each other. For example, understanding how inventory levels impact sales performance or how customer behavior influences inventory needs. By understanding these interrelationships, you can make more informed decisions that optimize multiple aspects of your business simultaneously. This holistic approach can lead to improved efficiency and profitability.

Sample Questions:

  1. Impact or influence of different aspects on each other

  2. Comprehensive Performance Metrics

Type of Questions:

  • How does our inventory turnover rate impact our sales growth?

  • How do stockouts of popular items affect sales?

Tips for Asking Better Questions

To get the most out of Matau, here are some tips for asking questions:

  • Be Specific: The more specific your question, the better Matau can provide a detailed and accurate answer. Example: “Show me the sales revenue for January 2023” instead of “How are our sales?”

  • Request Visuals: If you want to see data in a visual format, specify it in your question. Example: “Can you show a chart of our monthly sales for the past year?”

  • Include Time Frames: Mention specific time periods to get precise insights. Example: “What were our top-selling products in the last quarter?”

  • Combine Data Points: Ask questions that combine different data points for richer insights. Example: “How does our inventory turnover rate compare to our sales growth?”

  • Use Keywords: Use relevant keywords related to sales, inventory, or customers to guide Matau. Example: “What is the current stock level of [Product Name]?”

Questions Matau Cannot Answer

While Matau is powerful, there are some limitations:

  • Non-Business Questions: Matau is focused on business intelligence and cannot answer questions unrelated to sales, inventory, or customers. Example: “What is the weather like today?”

  • Data Unavailability: If the data is not available in the connected sources, Matau cannot provide an answer. Example: “Show me the marketing campaign performance” (if marketing data is not connected).

  • Overly Broad Questions: Vague or overly broad questions may not yield useful answers. Example: “How is everything?” is too general.

The number of questions you can ask per month depends on your subscription plan. Check your plan details to understand your limits.

Matau Can Make Mistakes

Despite its advanced capabilities, Matau can occasionally make mistakes. This can happen due to:

  • Incomplete or Incorrect Data: If the data in your connected sources is incomplete or incorrect, it may lead to inaccurate answers.

  • Ambiguous Questions: Ambiguous or unclear questions can lead to misinterpretations.

  • System Errors: Like any AI system, occasional errors or bugs may occur.

If you encounter any issues or inaccuracies, you can refine your question for clarity or reach out to Matau’s support team for assistance.

Last updated